Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Anime as My Passion!!!

What is your passion? Do you feel inspired to draw or write when you see someone’s sketches? Do you desire to work in a field of animators and story writers? I’m sure you won’t find it too hard, well, my friend, why not indulge in your passion and make anime a part of your life?

PASSION, I got inspired in this word after I watched the movie Three Idiots. Actually that was my first time to watch Indian film. The story focused on dreams, passion in life. Though Indian Film is not my type I really enjoy the story. It makes sense. It helps me realize what I want in my life.

My passion involves in sketching (anime). I got a passion for anime art when I first saw Lantis and Eagle (I’m not sure if it is Eagle) of Magic Knight Ray earth. A typical style of Japanese animation, big and round eyes, and plastic faces of characters, beautiful background scenarios, like in Grave of the Fireflies, almost look watercolours! At that point, I got hooked to anime.

I highly enjoy looking at others' work and seeing if I can make something that looks similar. (A-chan’s work is a good example. She’s a good animator and manga writer. She’s the reason why I ended up in this title. I’m glad she helps me! Thanks A-chan you’re the best!!!) I also love to make my own characters that have their own personalities in the pictures, and hopefully get across their persona from that one still picture. I like to produce my emotions into my work (anime characters) that soon grow to have their own emotions. Our "Anime" art should be something we love to do because we enjoy it.

People all over the world, irrespective of their age are hooked to Anime and why not? The slickly designed Japanese cartoons are fascinating and their superhuman powers are pretty much limitless. Japanese art works are more realistic than any American version. Their action scenes and adventures will make your jaw drop!

Japanese animators inspired me a lot. They tend to have a unique and incredible imagination. They take their silliness much more seriously than the Americans do. Japanese are more willing to combine the best features of both animated media and live-action. They can create world’s that are nearly impossible to achieve in live-action films.  And also, they are expert in providing action scenes and groundbreaking plot twists that will take your breath away!

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